What do you tell people you do at awkward speed networking events?
I'm a junior designer, helping my team and clients "make things look pretty" and visually communicate content with purpose and refinement. When I'm not working, I bake or read or play with my puppy. Although I try to avoid speed dating events, if I'm honest.
What areas of design are you drawn to?
My passions lie in branding and print design, and I love any opportunity to do some illustration too - both tradition or digital.
What are your greatest strengths and ‘quirknesses’?
I'm someone who loves a challenge or a puzzle, so some of my strengths lie in problem solving, experimenting and thinking about new, out-of-the-box solutions for things. Among my other quirks, I have a collection of paper at home. There's nothing like a good paper stock. And it’s not exactly a small collection either... What can I say, I like paper.
Who aren't you?
I can say with confidence that I am not a spider person.
Where do you see yourself in 5 minutes?
Finishing my cup of coffee while focusing on a project.
... 5 days?
5 days from this interview, I'll be down in Melbourne, trying new restaurants and exploring the city.
What could Freckle clients ask you about, that you could expertly talk about for three hours?
If my quirk didn't already give me away, paper and print productions. Like Johnny, I am a big believer in the tactility in design. It's a sense that's often forgotten but it can be such a powerful tool for design and visual communication. Either that, or my puppy.
What advice would you give high school leavers entering in a design course at Uni?
Look around you more often. You are always surrounded by design, whether good or bad. Take it in and let it inspire you. Sometimes the smallest things can generate the best ideas. But mostly, just enjoy it and try not to stress too much.